For Lender

  Often only loans with a term of 120 months remain in the loan offer. So far, not a single such loan has defaulted. When communicating with investors, we often hear various myths about long-term loans. I would like to share the top 3 myths. 3 myths about 120-month loans   1. Money frozen for a long time   The average real duration of consumer loans is 27 months, despite the fact that the maximum loan term is 120 months. Borrowers want the longest possible ter...

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For Lender

600 Eur income and credit score A?

For Lender

How do we invest to the loans?

For Lender

100M Eur loans originated!

For Lender

Investor Debesyla: “There were times when I got burned, now I’ve learned to slowly accumulate tangible returns”

A long-term investor Danielius Goriunovas, also known as \"Debesyla\" , says that he has a goal - to earn at least 5 thousand euros per year from investing so he could take more months off for a vacation or continue investing the earned returns in sustainable projects without much stress. We interviewed Danielius, how does he manage to achieve such goals. Could you tell me what you do in life? Is it difficult to prepare for the climb to Juozapinė mountain? Oh, you found mine the old \"som...

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For Lender

Are there more late borrowers?

For Lender

2022 Q3 Report

For Lender

What impact do rising prices have on customer evaluation?

  Hello, probably each of us has not avoided encountering the topic of rising prices recently. How do high energy prices affect our borrowers\' evaluation process? What did we change in credit-risk assessment? Consumer loans We select borrowers even more carefully - if the client has low income, we more conservatively estimate living expanses and, although we could formally lend, we reject the application. In this way, we protect not only investors, but also the borrower, who ma...

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For Lender

Deceased borrower = investment lost?

For Lender

Two records in one month?

For Lender

Best P2P calculator ever!

For Lender

When will you have 1M Euro portfolio?

  We start investing for different reasons: we accumulate a reserve, we save for a more fulfilling retirement or brighter future of our children. Have you ever calculated when you will accumulate your first million euros?   First million. When? Average bee Our average investor, who has invested in at least one loan this year, manages a portfolio of 4.718 Eur. In June 2022, the average bee deposited an additional 317.55 Eur to the Finbee account. Over the long term, maintainin...

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For Lender

2022 Q2 Investor Report

For Lender

Recovery Does Not Stop in Summer

For Lender

Do the borrowers own real estate?

For Lender

Growing interest for the investors!

For Lender

Secondary market fun facts

For Lender

How to evaluate recovery results?

For Lender

How to invest more efficiently?

Nice to meet you! I am Simas Baranauskas, Head of Investor Relations. I have been working in Finbee for 4 years. I grew with the platform and I see many opportunities and interesting topics for you. I have been interested in investing for number of years and I personally pay a lot of attention to it. From now on, I would like to pay more attention to you. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to email me at [email protected] or book a phone/video chat. What is new on Fin...

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For Lender

How do we recover loans?

For Lender

Answers to your questions

For Lender

New features in Finbee platform

For Lender

Investing in Peer-to-Peer Loans: Can you Identify Creditworthy Borrowers?

Asymmetry of information Peer-to-peer (P2P) lenders would make great poker players. Making difficult calls with imperfect information, reading people, making sure their stories add up. Traditional banks have a plethora of tools at their disposal when evaluating the risk of a loan. Meanwhile, P2P lenders have to make do with what information is publicly disclosed about the borrower. No in-depth credit history – just the P2P platform’s credit risk rating. No tools for monitoring how their ...

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